Outcomes for Opportunity Initiative
Impact With Data
A two-year pilot, the Outcomes for Opportunity (O4O) initiative aimed to identify relevant data metrics and create the initial versions of easy-to-use data tools to show how workforce boards and training providers can demonstrate their influence through compelling data stories.
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Why does it matter?
O4O Insights
Analyzing data collected through our partners, we create data visuals that tell compelling stories about how these organizations are making an impact on people and places.
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What's the result?
O4O Analytics
Analytics provides an opportunity to explore the data we've collected from our partners to answer unique, user-generated questions. What outcomes do you see? Can you determine any insights?
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Become an O4O Workforce Partner
Outcomes for Opportunity is a source of guidance and support for workforce boards, training providers, and their partners. The goal is to enable organizations to use data more effectively to promote and improve their programs, services, and regional advantages.
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